Product Review: Strawberry Soft Serve at the Costco Food Court

During our weekly adventure to Costco to see what’s new, we happened to see a new item in the Food Court that we knew we had to try – Strawberry Soft Serve!  This item has been added to the lineup of Costco’s soft serve and sundae line, which before featured only vanilla soft serve with chocolate sauce or a berry sauce.  When ordering, we learned that the new strawberry flavor can be made into a swirl with the vanilla, and can also be given the sundae treatment with the chocolate or berry sauce.  While all of that sounds amazing, we went for a cup of the straight strawberry soft serve to try for the sake of this review, and we liked it a lot!

The Costco Strawberry Soft Serve has a really nice flavor, and a delightfully pink color.  We thought it tasted a lot like Nesquik strawberry milk, in a really nice way.  Creamy with some nice milky/dairy notes, sweet but not too sweet, and a fresh strawberry flavor that didn’t feel artificial.  There were no strawberry pieces in the soft serve, which was fine by me.  The texture was rich and creamy just like the Costco Vanilla Soft Serve, and it felt like a deluxe weekend treat.  We would definitely buy it again in the future, it was really good!

This item is available at the Costco Food Court for $1.99 for a cup, or $2.49 for the sundae (with the added chocolate or strawberry sauce).  The price is the same as the vanilla soft serve, so no up-charge for this fun new flavor.  This item comes in at 550 calories for the serving for just the ice cream alone, or 650-690 calories for the sundae version.  Chris and I split one as a treat, as we usually do, because I personally can’t eat a whole Costco soft serve myself.  It’s a lot of ice cream, which makes the value so amazing, hence the joys of shopping at Costco in the first place! 

I thought this item was really good, and definitely worth the try the next time you find yourself in the pallet-lined halls of my favorite bulk store.  I want to try the Strawberry/Vanilla swirl in the future (mostly because I think it would be really pretty), and may even splurge for the berry sauce in the sundae one day as well.  If you see it at your local Costco Food Court, give it a try, and let me know what you think in the comments below!

This post was not sponsored by Costco in any way (I wish!), just words from a fan!


2 comments on “Product Review: Strawberry Soft Serve at the Costco Food Court”
  1. Great review – my wife and I shop Costco twice monthly and before we leave, we treat ourselves to something from their food court. If your interested, I just read this article yesterday from the Smithsonian Magazine, “The Science of Soft Serve,” –

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is amazing, thanks for sharing! I love Costco, we go too often. I’m excited to check out the article you shared as well, I love everything about food and ice cream and there’s always room to learn more!

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